Our program features regulatory toxicology and clinical toxicology, which provides graduate students solid training on multidisciplinary research and practice in drug abuse/toxicant analyses, and safety assessment for drug/cosmetics development. We wish to have you join us to promote rational use of physical and chemical substances, and to ensure the safety of drugs, foods, and cosmetics products, their manufacturing conditions, and a sustainable environment. Graduates are equipped with the capacity to work in government agencies, industries, hospitals, or academia to guard the safety and health of all stakeholders.
時間: 6/25 13:30-17:00
此場邀請到現任台灣毒理學會理事長王應然教授及三位日本的亞洲毒理學會重要成員,包括創會秘書長Dr. Satoh,日本現任毒理學會理事長Dr. Kanno及Asiatox 財務長 Dr. Ogra (Chiba大學教授)
Youtube: https://youtu.be/P6eprhRBOFI
學程FB粉絲專頁: https://fb.me/e/3tsSngaPW